Rochester police foundation
Community Programs
In these difficult times, family assistance is more crucial than ever. The Foundation works with law enforcement and the business community of the Greater Rochester Area to identify families in need so that we can all lend a helping hand.
LGBTQ+ Training & Programming
Started with a generous contribution from The Anthony Mascioli Trust, this fund provides for occupational and sensitivity training for Rochester Police Department officers who may be unfamiliar with working in the LGBTQ+ community. Through community meetings and literature, we help our officers navigate interactions successfully.
Shop With a Cop
Each holiday season, Rochester police officers identify 15-20 city children whose families could use a little help with holiday shopping. By subsidizing this happy interaction between the RPD and the community, we help to foster a positive image of the police with city youth, and promote effective community policing.
The Foundation has provided over $15,000 in funding for this program to date.